We are up and running and hope to have some functions available today. Our goal is primarily adult education. We want to focus first on Hi-Set/GED because we believe that area would most benefit society as a whole for each dollar spent. Our first objectives are to create an interactive math tutorial, starting with basic arithmetic. We are learning HTML/CSS/JavaScript coding as we go so some things will seem primitive at first. I am going to start with a basic Addition lesson and build from there.

Uploaded the first lesson this morning. Simple addition. No practice problems yet. Working out bugs in different browsers.

Practice problems have been added for the addition lesson. This marks the first lesson complete and installed. We have tested the code extensively but if you find any bugs, please send us an email! Logo and email link added to the top of all pages and some general clean-up done.

Subtraction lesson uploaded, including practice problems. New Navigation bar added to the bottom of all pages except main menu.

We just added in the new Formulas Page and Symbols Definitions. They are still a little small but they will grow with the site. As we add more lessons we will grow these pages to cover all necessary formulas and symbols presented in those lessons.
Cache problems fixed!

Multiplication lesson is complete and uploaded to the site. Check it out and feedback is welcome!

A lot has been going on. Division lesson is still only half done, but We have migrated the site to its own domain and there has been a lot going on behind the scenes. Notice the admin email link at our own domain!

Next objectives are a lesson on the commutative property of addition and multiplication and Division!